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Vela nel mare blu della Croazia  
Tutto perfetto. Peccato una sola settimana
Agosto 2016, Seget Donji con un Sun Odyssey 379
Vacanza splendida  
Barca nuova pulitissima e servizio buono alla consegna Esattamente come me la aspettavo. Lo skipper è stato fornito dall'armatore e si è dimostrato molto disponibile e professionale
Agosto 2016, Portisco con un Bavaria 37 Cruiser
Oceanis 411 Elba-Capraia  
La barca nonostante datata era in ottime condizioni. Il personale è stato chiaro. Purtroppo il check-out alle ore 17 di venerdì ci ha fatto perdere quasi una giornata (solitamente viene fatto il sabato mattina). Lo sbarco di sabato alle ore 8 lo ritengo troppo presto dato che la barca ci è stata consegnata alle 1830 (quindi con ritardo) di venerdì sera con poco tempo per fare cambusa ai supermercati in chiusura.
Agosto 2016, Castiglioncello con un Oceanis Clipper 411
Grecia stupenda  
Ottimo giudizio del broker marinata, molto meno di mg yacht, armatore. La barca noleggiata a causa della età 2009 aveva diversi difetti di manutenzione. Alcuni sono stati rappresentati e benché abbiano cercato di rimediare ci hanno condizionato la vacanza(fornello non funzionante, ogni sera a cena fuori!). Al rientro hanno rinvenuto delle piccole righe sulla fiancata destra e ci hanno addebitato 150 euro dalla cauzione. Pessimo rapporto con la clientela!...hanno provato ad imputarci altri danni ma da addetto ai lavori avevo preventivamente controllato la barca anche nell'opera viva!
Agosto 2016, Lefkas con un Bavaria 43 Cruiser
Troppo corta  
Siamo stati benissimo nonostante la bora frequente. La barca ha risposto benissimo ed è stato tutto confortevole e funzionante. Un'esperienza da ripetere sicuramente
Agosto 2016, Biograd con un Elan 333
Poteva andare molto meglio  
Mi sono sempre trovato bene con Marenauta, ma questo anno la barca che mi hanno dato era scarsa. Mancava di parecchie manutenzioni e le vele erano vecchie e moscie.
Agosto 2016, Pula con un Bavaria 39
La empresa de alquiler respondió a esta opinión 25.08.2016

We are very sorry that the customer was not satisfied with his Boat and Charter service.

The client is, compared to other costumers, one we call „very demanding“ which we respected and that is why Igor, our staff member, was at his disposal all the time.

The client rented Bavaria 44 for 3 consecutive weeks with crew change every week, so he asked for complete service every week (cleaning, washing, new crew list…), which was no problem at all.

Unfortunately, the client expected full and immediate attention of all staff of Bruneko charter, and that was not possible….

We have 12 boats in charter and they all need attention, so the base manager is the one to check them all, decide priority and assign staff, which he does perfectly.

The client expected our cleaning ladies to start cleaning his boat as soon as his crew left (around 10.00-10.30), even all girls were already assigned to other boats where crew left earlier (everybody should leave till 09.00).

Then he demanded his boat to be cleaned as quickly as possible making pressure on cleaning ladies (and you cannot do that and have the boat cleaned perfectly).

Although we charge priority boarding 100 euro, for boarding till 15.00, the client was never charged, still his boat was always among first to be ready.

He also expected all our staff to start working on minor problems he had on the boat, having Igor around was obviously not enough, since Igor can do only one thing at a time, but asking a lady that writes crew lists in the office to help him about some technical issues on the boat, and then getting angry on her when she wasn’t helpful was a bit too much….

Well, I guess that breakdown of new washing machines in the company that is washing our sheets and towels (wich resulted in our clean laundry coming later than usual) did not help, still he got everything till 14.00 Hours.

The client lost his byboat during first week, he got new one directly from the shop (costed 400 Euro), and he was very disappointed about it! I guess he expected us to search for his byboat instead of giving him a new one, still calling base manager „crabby“ for that is not very nice.

Important thing – he was NOT charged for byboat – he did not pay anything on check-out!

I can understand that having your boat moored next to brand new Elan 45 Impression from the same fleet did not help the client reputation among his guests, but his Bavaria 44 „NIKA 2“ from 2002, with new sails, new Bimini, completely serviced engine and all major things on boat working and in order deserves more than 2! Also giving mark 3 for the instrumentation of the model of the boat to the model that had ALL possible instrumentation installed back in 2002 can explain that the client hoped for another boat and not the one he rented and paid for…

I know Marina Tankerkomerc is not on the top of the list, but giving mark 1?

Still I guess giving mark 4 for general opinion on this vacation after rating 2-3 all relevant things tells us that the client was more satisfied than he wants to admit.

Nika 2 is the boat that gets very good marks from all costumers, so far we had only positive feedbacks on her, also from the charter directly before this client.
Our Company is one of the oldest Croatian charter companies with very experienced staff, our base manager worked for 15 years in one of the biggest charters in Croatia and Greece. We receive all the best feedbacks from the costumers and have a lot of returning sailors that are always coming back to us.

All the best
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la empresa de alquiler y no de Marenauta.
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