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Najem Bavaria Cruiser 36 - Krf

Leto 2012
Kabine 3
Ugrez 1.95 m
Ležišč 6
Dolžina 11.3 m
Osebe 6
Tip glavnega jadra Navijalno
Kopalnice 1
Rezervoar za vodo 210 l
Električni wc
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
The yacht is completely renewed. We have replaced the standard steering wheel with a folding one, to allow easier movement in the cockpit and we have reconditioned the engine. IFIGENIA has new sails, new bimini and sprayhood, new upholstery, electric toilet, and a solar panel.
26/10/24 - 2/11/24
2/11/24 - 9/11/24
9/11/24 - 16/11/24
16/11/24 - 23/11/24
23/11/24 - 30/11/24
30/11/24 - 7/12/24
7/12/24 - 14/12/24
14/12/24 - 21/12/24
21/12/24 - 28/12/24
28/12/24 - 4/1/25
4/1/25 - 11/1/25
11/1/25 - 18/1/25
18/1/25 - 25/1/25
25/1/25 - 1/2/25
1/2/25 - 8/2/25
8/2/25 - 15/2/25
15/2/25 - 22/2/25
22/2/25 - 1/3/25
1/3/25 - 8/3/25
8/3/25 - 15/3/25
15/3/25 - 22/3/25
22/3/25 - 29/3/25
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
Dodatne storitve 
Dodatne storitve, ki se plačajo neposredno v marini ob vkrcanju.
Final cleaning:  Water Pilot and Maps, Taxes, Port fees in embarkation/disembarkation port. Diver inspection at the end of the charter. Assistance whenever required. Obvezno 130€ (po rezervaciji)
Varščina (kavcija):  za plačilo ob prijavi (check in-u) s kreditno kartico ali z gotovino Vračljivo 2500€
Skipper:  subject to availability Neobvezno 1200€ (po tednu + hrana)
Early Check in:  latest by 14:00 Neobvezno 120€ (po rezervaciji)
One way fee Neobvezno 4€ (po navtični milji)
Provisioning:  provisioning fee + the value of the goods Neobvezno 15€ (po rezervaciji)
Crew change:  Crew change during a charter Neobvezno 150€ (po rezervaciji)
Pokaži vse dodatne storitve
Extra bedlinen and towels Neobvezno 10€ (po osebi)
Hostess/Cook Neobvezno 1200€ (po tednu + hrana)
Stand up paddle (SUP):  upon request Neobvezno 150€ (po rezervaciji)
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Uživaj v miru dopust z zavarovanjem Pantaenius GmbH.
Bond Insurance  
Varščina je zavarovana za primer izgube ali poškodbe najetega plovila več podrobnosti.
Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
Neobvezno od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance 
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
Neobvezno od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene plovila (1)
Törn: Korfu Paxos Antipaxos  
Törn verlief trotz heftigem sturm ohne grössere Probleme
Avgust 2024, Krf, Grčija s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 36
Ocene ladjarja (2)
Törn: Korfu Paxos Antipaxos  
Törn verlief trotz heftigem sturm ohne grössere Probleme
Avgust 2024, Krf, Grčija s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 36
Poca manutenzione  
Abbiamo trascorso 15 gg sulla bavaria Destiny facendo un bel po di miglia nello Ionio meridionale. Inutile dire che i posti sono semplicemente stupendi! Unico appunto che mi sento di fare è sulla manutenzione della barca. Ci sono capitati troppi problemi in 15 gg. Certo, andar per mare comporta anche sapersi arrangiare (e così è stato) ma a tutto c’è un limite. Piu di un problema al salpa ancora (e non da poco), tubazioni scarico ostruite, pannelli solari che cadono xche non ben fermati, insomma, un po piu di cura nella manutenzione ci va!!!
Julij 2024, Krf, Grčija s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 45 - 4 cab.
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje 09.09.2024

Thank you for sending me the review of Mr. Stefano.

I would like to send you more reviews, especially the reviews of the guests the week right before and the week right after Mr Stefano. You will realize there were 5 stars for:

Compliance of the boat

Comfort on board

Standard of maintenance


Welcome and communication

Value for money

I enclose copies with phone numbers and e-mails, but you can find the originals on other website , if you request for a 14-15 m sailing boat, in Corfu, in the last weeks of October, when DESTINY is still available.

Concerning Mr Stefano:

On 5 Aug, in an open gulf in Ithaca, he mentioned that the anchor chain “gave up” . The chain was released from the winch. This happens when you “unlock” the winch, and you don’t “lock” it properly. Following our instructions he “locked” the electric winch and pulled the anchor chain. The port of Ithaka “Vathy” was nearby, but he felt safe, and he spent the night in this gulf, without any intervention to the chain.  He never had any further problem with the winch.

It was good luck that the yacht did not crash into the rocks.

On 6 Aug, the tracker showed that the yacht was sailing at maximum speed (8-9 Knots). Since there was no wind, this meant that the engine was forced to run at maximum power. It is like running your car at 7000 rpm for a long period of time. I checked this several times and I sent him a message, advising him to stop pushing the engine at its limits because it would be damaged. He reduced speed immediately. He mentioned that it was a “current” that pushed the yacht. There are no strong currents in the Ionian Sea. However there have been “currents” after this event.

I was good luck the engine was not damaged.

On 9 Aug, he returned to Corfu and I did the checkout myself. I always ask if there is any problem with the yacht, to fix it. He only mentioned that the base of the solar panel, over the bimini, was loose and that he had fixed it. He had lost a fender, but I did not charge him for that.

He mentioned “several problems” in his review. Which problems? Why he did not mention these problems to me when I did the check out. Why the previous and following guest did not find these “problems”? He wrote “tubazioni scarico ostruite”, clogged exhaust pipes. This is the first time I hear that, and no engineer or guests have ever found that.

Mr Stefano rate the yacht 4/5 but he does not recommend for charter (?) .

By the way, our other common guest, returned from his sailing holidays, and was very happy.

Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Krf

Vreme v Krf

Julij è il mese più caldo in Krf s povprečno temperaturo 25°C (77°F) in najhladnejši mesec je Januar a 9°C (48°F). Mesec, ko je morje najtopleje, je Julij ko je temperatura morja 25°C (45°F).

Povprečne letne temperature v Krf

Sledeči graf prikazuje najvišje in najnižje povprečne temperature za vsak mesec v letu. Ravno tako kaže povprečno temperaturo površine morja.
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • Maj
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Avg
  • Sept
  • Okt
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • 30°C
  • 27°C
  • 24°C
  • 21°C
  • 18°C
  • 15°C
  • 12°C
  • 9°C
  • 6°C
  • 3°C
Najvišja C°
Najnižja C°
Morje C°
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Tole plovilo je zelo iskano.
2 osebi razmišljata o najemu tega plovila.
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
Bavaria Cruiser 36 - Krf
Pozicija Krf, Grčija
Leto 2012
Kabine 3
Ležišč 6
Osebe 6
Tip glavnega jadra Navijalno
Kopalnice 1
Dolžina 11.3 m
Rezervoar za vodo 210 l
Ugrez 1.95 m
Električni wc
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
The yacht is completely renewed. We have replaced the standard steering wheel with a folding one, to allow easier movement in the cockpit and we have reconditioned the engine. IFIGENIA has new sails, new bimini and sprayhood, new upholstery, electric toilet, and a solar panel.
26/10/24 - 2/11/24
2/11/24 - 9/11/24
9/11/24 - 16/11/24
16/11/24 - 23/11/24
23/11/24 - 30/11/24
30/11/24 - 7/12/24
7/12/24 - 14/12/24
14/12/24 - 21/12/24
21/12/24 - 28/12/24
28/12/24 - 4/1/25
4/1/25 - 11/1/25
11/1/25 - 18/1/25
18/1/25 - 25/1/25
25/1/25 - 1/2/25
1/2/25 - 8/2/25
8/2/25 - 15/2/25
15/2/25 - 22/2/25
22/2/25 - 1/3/25
1/3/25 - 8/3/25
8/3/25 - 15/3/25
15/3/25 - 22/3/25
22/3/25 - 29/3/25
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Tole plovilo je zelo iskano.
2 osebi razmišljata o najemu tega plovila.
Dodatne storitve 
Final cleaning  Obvezno : Water Pilot and Maps, Taxes, Port fees in embarkation/disembarkation port. Diver inspection at the end of the charter. Assistance whenever required. (po rezervaciji) 130€
Varščina (kavcija)  Vračljivo : za plačilo ob prijavi (check in-u) s kreditno kartico ali z gotovino  2500€
Skipper  Neobvezno : subject to availability (po tednu + hrana) 1200€
Early Check in  Neobvezno : latest by 14:00 (po rezervaciji) 120€
One way fee  Neobvezno  (po navtični milji) 4€
Provisioning  Neobvezno : provisioning fee + the value of the goods (po rezervaciji) 15€
Crew change  Neobvezno : Crew change during a charter (po rezervaciji) 150€
Pokaži vse dodatne storitve
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Bond Insurance 
Varščina je zavarovana za primer izgube ali poškodbe najetega plovila več podrobnosti.
Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance  
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene ladjarja
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Krf
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati

Ugodne cene

Brez dodatnih stroškov
Zagotovljena najboljša cena

Največja izbira

Preko 19000 plovil
Preko 1000 destinacij


90000+ Zadovoljnih strank

Ocena: 4.9/5
izračunano na 15488 mnenja

Pomoč strankam

Pomoč pred in po prodaji

Preverite ceno
Posebne ponudbe? Prijavi se na naše e-novice!