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Eintrag zum Logbuch Adria 2022 Marina Frapa - (Rogoznica- Kroatien) Check In: 14.08.2022 15:30 Uhr Bavaria Cruser 34.2 „ Little Joe“ Länge 9,99m breite 3,42m Alles in Ordnung und sauber, Checkliste durchgegangen, dabei festgestellt das ein Zugseil für das Groß angerissen war! Reklamiert und ist behoben worden! Nun ist alles Ok! (Erst Später bemerkt Toilette voll!) Am 15.08.2022 erste Ausfahrt mit anschließenden Segeln, Segel Hissen und kennenlernen, (Dabei festgestellt das das Groß Klemmt) bei starkem Wind und Seegang Windstärke 5. Aber das was am schlimsten war, ist das die Tankanzeige auf null zeigte! Und wir nicht sicher waren haben wir nun Diesel so viel verbraucht oder ist ein Leck im Tank! Als wir an der Tankstelle nachgefüllt haben waren nur 10 Lieter reingegangen! Also Tankanzeige muß einfach Stimmen! Aber sonst waren wir zu frieden und würden wiederkommen!
Luglio 2022, Rogoznica, Croazia con un Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 34 - 2 cab.
Very good and affordable bare-boat  
Considering its very affordable rental price, this bare-boat was up to expectations. The Charter company staff was very nice and helpful. They went beyond duty to make sure we had a good vacation.
Agosto 2022, Kastel Gomilica con un Beneteau First 35
Wunderbarer Segeltörn  
Charter ist top. Sehr professionell und problemlos. Gutes Boot ohne Schäden und komplette Ausrüstung. Schönes Revier. Gerne wieder.
Luglio 2022, Scarlino con un Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349
The boat was well prepared. Check-in and drop-off went quickly. We are quite satisfied. Thanks a lot!
Agosto 2022, Trogir, Croazia con un Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 - 4 cab.
Partying vs. Sailiing  
I specifically selected the Sun Loft because it is (besides a very few exceptions) the only way to have 6 real cabin. There is a 7th skipper "cabin" at the bow. To make this happen, all the living space has been brought up on the deck (you only have cabins and bathrooms under deck). The Charter company (base location, people, service, etc.) is great. On the plus side (boat): very social, everyone is together; huge table/sun bath on the back. On the minus side (boat): you don't have a separate space to drive or trim the sail. You end up moving across people preparing lunch to trim the sale. The mast seems really short, the boom is really high (to clear the sun top), which means the mainsail is pretty small. The jib is self-tacking, which means it is really small as well. So the boat is ok when you have a lot of wind, but remember you have the kitchen right there by the steering wheels... And finally - no bow thruster. I can't even understand why you would manufacture a charter boat of that size without a boat thruster. In summary, I would definitely charter a boat again at this charter company (good location, nice people, effective service), but probably not a Sun Loft 47. You have boats of the same size on the market that are so much more fun to sail - but they will have only max. 5 cabins...
Luglio 2022, Sibenik, Croazia con un Jeanneau Sun Loft 47 - 6 + 1 cab.
Alles Bestens  
... es hat alles wie vereinbart funktioniert...
Luglio 2022, Pirovac con un Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 40 S
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