Bali Catamarans Bali 4.2 - Pula
Boat location Pula, Croatia
Year 2023
Cabins 4
Beds 8
Guests 8
Mainsail type Classic
Bathrooms 4
Length 12.85 m
Water tank 860 l
Motors 2 x 30 HP
Draft 1.12 m
Electric toilet
Air condition
Solar Panels
Water maker
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Review on the shipowner
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Assistance in navigation
35 persons recommend this owner
August 2022, Kastel Gomilica with Neel 47
July 2022, Pula with Dufour Yachts Dufour 325
June 2022, Pula with Dufour Yachts Dufour 560
May 2021, Pola with Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 36i
August 2021, Pola with Fountaine Pajot Saona 47
July 2021, Kastel Gomilica with Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 519 5+1cab.
July 2021, Pula with Dufour Yachts Dufour 375
September 2020, Pola with Bavaria 39 Cruiser
North Adria, Pula
This was my second sailing as a skipper. We chartered our boat in Pula, Veruda I was already in this area before back in 2017 as a crew member. Check-in went well. Everything was clean and the boat was well equipped.
I didn't control the mainsail, which later turned out to be a mistake. At Check-out, it was found that at a height of approx. 17 meters, the mainsail was a bit torn at the seam. It was a mast furling mainsail system. They deducted 50 Euros from my deposit. The question is if I could have seen it at this height if I had controlled it.
We were a mixed crew party of 5 from various countries, Germany, the USA, and Croatia. For three crew members, it was the first time sailing experience. We had a really nice time together.
The weather on Saturday and Sunday wasn't so well, so we have only sailed a bit on the Weekend. On Monday we left for Mali Losinj, Ilovik, Susak, and
then on Friday, we came back to Medulin near Pula.
I am generally satisfied with this charter and recommend it warmly to others.
Regards, Goran
September 2020, Pola with Dufour Yachts Dufour 405 RM
July 2020, Pola with Dufour Yachts Dufour 375
April 2019, Pola with Dufour Yachts Dufour 405 BM
August 2019, Kastel Gomilica with Sun Odyssey 419
July 2019, Kastel Gomilica with Dufour 375
August 2019, Kastel Gomilica with Salina 48
La Croazia è sempre sorprendente
Questo è il terzo charter in Croazia fatto in circa 10 anni, sempre fatto in 2 famiglie con figli al seguito. Questa volta abbiamo puntato all'area tra Quarnaro e le isole più a nord della regione di Zara. Unije, Susak, Lussino, Cres, Olib, Silba, Ilovik, Skarda, Premuda, Ist, Molat ...
Abbiamo girovagato per 15 giorni in questo parco giochi per velisti zigzagando per quasi 400 miglia.
Tanti posti bellissimi, ottimo clima.
I prezzi dei marina e dei gavitelli sono quasi raddoppiati in pochi anni, tuttavia la qualità dei servizi è senza paragoni. Anche il più piccolo gestore di gavitelli accetta pagamento con carta di credito e rilascia ricevuta.
Anche i prezzi dei ristoranti sono saliti moltissimo ma la qualità è la stessa di prima.
Molto soddisfatti della barca, comodissima ed efficiente.
Molto contenti dell'armatore, professionale, gentile e disponibile. Il marina di Veruda da cui siamo partiti è molto bello, comodo parcheggio e bella piscina per gli ospiti.
Molto contenti di Marenauta che ci ha seguiti puntualmente i tutti i passaggi dandoci informazioni precise e utili.
Da rifare !!
September 2018, Pola with Dufour 325
September 2018, Pola with Dufour 325
August 2018, Pula with Dufour 410
July 2018, Pula with Sun Odyssey 36i
June 2018, Pola with Dufour 455 BM
August 2017, Pula with Dufour 405
August 2016, Pula with Dufour 410
August 2016, Pula with Dufour 405
July 2016, Murter with Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419
July 2015, Pula with Sun Odyssey 49i
July 2015, Pula with Sun Odyssey 49i
August 2014, Pula with Dufour 365
July 2014, Pola with Bavaria 46
August 2014, Pola with Sun Odyssey 49
August 2014, Pula with Dufour 385
August 2013, Pula with Dufour 325
Boat location
Meteo in Pula
Meteo in Pula
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
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searchResult.nBoats: 10
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