Meteo in Skiathos
July is the hottest month in Skiathos with an average temperature of 23°C (73°F) and the coldest month is January a 6°C (42°F). The month with the warmest sea is August when the average sea temperature is 25°C (45°F).
Annual Average Temperatures in Skiathos
The following chart shows the maximum and minimum average temperatures. It is visible the average temperature of the sea surface too.
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
- 10°
- 2°
- 11°
- 3°
- 13°
- 4°
- 18°
- 7°
- 23°
- 11°
- 27°
- 15°
- 29°
- 18°
- 29°
- 18°
- 26°
- 15°
- 20°
- 11°
- 16°
- 8°
- 11°
- 4°