Bavaria 32 - Corfou
Position Corfou, Grèce
Année 2004 (Refit: 2023)
Cabines 2
Couchettes 4+2salon
Passagers 6
Type de grand-voile Enrouleur
Salles de bains 1
Longueur 10.3 m
Réservoir d'eau 150 l
Tirant d'eau 1.5 m
Toilette électrique
Panneaux solaires
Afficher tout l'équipement
Sélectionnez la date de départ
Entrez une date de départ pour découvrir les prix
Avis sur le Loueur
Où est le bateau?
La météo Corfou
La météo Corfou
- Jan
- Fév
- Mar
- Avr
- Mai
- Jui
- Jul
- Aoû
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Déc
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Autres bateaux qui pourraient vous plaire
searchResult.nBoats: 98
"tipo" : [ "Barca a vela" ],
"anno" : [ "2000:" ],
"durata" : [ null ],
"cabine" : [ "2", "3" ],
"pageSize" : [ "28" ],
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"s" : [ "Corfou" ],
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Thank you for the feedback.
First of all apologies for any inconvenience caused to the client.
We are a bit surprised by the client’s comments as we got good and positive feedback directly from the client at the base.
As he mentions, the technical problems he encountered can happen to any boat and they were dealt with efficiently and promptly by our team!
Regarding the life jackets, by law we are not allowed to have the inflatable ones, only the Solas type but clients may bring their own.
As for the condition of the boat, although “she” is 11 years old we believe she is in quite good condition for her age.
Having said that and to our defence, it is the end of the season, a very long and extremely busy season with no opportunity to do cosmetic extra maintenance.