Bavaria Cruiser 46 - 4 Cab. - Sukošan
Pozicija Sukošan, Hrvaška
Leto 2014
Kabine 4
Ležišč 8+1salon
Osebe 9
Tip glavnega jadra Navijalno
Kopalnice 3
Dolžina 14.27 m
Rezervoar za vodo 360 l
Ugrez 2.1 m
Wi-Fi in internet
Električni wc
Bow thruster
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Izberi datum odhoda
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Ocene ladjarja
Postopek prijave/odjave
Pomoč med plovbo
38 oseb priporoča tega ladjarja
September 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria 44
Avgust 2022, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49i
Oktober 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49i
September 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria Cruiser 46 - 4 cab.
Avgust 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria 49
Avgust 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49i
Julij 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria 49
Julij 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Beneteau Oceanis Clipper 461
Junij 2021, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 36i
Junij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Sun Odyssey 409
Avgust 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 409
Avgust 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria 44
Avgust 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Beneteau Cyclades 43.4
Avgust 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 37 Cruiser
Julij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 409
Avgust 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria Cruiser 37
Junij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 35 Holiday
Junij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Antares 13,80
Junij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 35 Holiday
Junij 2019, Sukosan s plovilom Elan 40 Impression
Avgust 2018, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 49
Avgust 2018, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 36
Avgust 2018, Sukosan s plovilom Sun Odyssey 43
Avgust 2016, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 36
Avgust 2016, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 42
Julij 2016, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 49
Avgust 2015, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 44
Julij 2014, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 36
September 2014, Pola s plovilom Bavaria 49
Julij 2014, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 49
Junij 2014, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 44
November 2014, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 30 cruiser
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
September 2014, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 36
Avgust 2014, Sukosan s plovilom Bavaria 44
Junij 2013, Pola s plovilom Bavaria 42
April 2013, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 32
Avgust 2013, Sukosan s plovilom Gib Sea 43
Avgust 2013, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 35
Julij 2012, Pula s plovilom Bavaria 44
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Sukošan
Vreme v Sukošan
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Maj
- Jun
- Jul
- Avg
- Sept
- Okt
- Nov
- Dec
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
searchResult.nBoats: 445
"tipo" : [ "Barca a vela" ],
"anno" : [ "2010:" ],
"durata" : [ null ],
"cabine" : [ "4", "5" ],
"pageSize" : [ "28" ],
"zoomOut" : [ "1" ],
"sb" : [ "realTime", "flexPrecise", "raccomandate" ],
"s" : [ "Sukošan" ],
"prezzoDa" : [ "14556.360" ],
"page" : [ "0" ],
"lang" : [ "sl" ],
"dataIn" : [ null ],
"prezzoA" : [ "27033.240" ]
we are sorry, as we can recognise we have obviously somehow not met the expectations of the client. We thank you for the received feedback, which we will consider to improve our service.
From our point of view we can assure that, on Saturday the 1st of November, when overtaking the sailing boat, the client has not had comments or complains regarding the sailing boat or the cleanliness of it. This was moreover confirmed by the client's signature on the second page of the check-list.
Further, the client has not contacted us during the days of his sailing trip nor until the check-out on Monday, the 3rd of November. During the check-out procedure one of our charter base personnel recognized that the boat's toilette was blocked. This was not reported by the client beforehand.
Mostly due to the client was not willing to recognise malfunction of the toilette caused by their use of it, the toilette pump and the piping was disassembled in the client's presence and determined that the toilette was blocked by too much paper. This repair of the toilette was by the check-out also paid by the client, what is also confirmed by teh cleint's signature in the check-list by the check-out.
Herewith we are sending the check-and crew-list, as well as also two photos of the referring sailing boat Bavaria 30cr.
We hope for your understanding.