Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 - 4 Cab. - Ca'n Pastilla
Pozicija Ca'n Pastilla, Španija
Leto 2023
Kabine 4
Ležišč 8+2salon
Osebe 10
Tip glavnega jadra Navijalno
Kopalnice 4
Dolžina 14.6 m
Rezervoar za vodo 570 l
Ugrez 2.35 m
Wi-Fi in internet
Električni wc
Bow thruster
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
Shallow keel, additional water tank 200 liters (total 570 L), 130 liter refrigerator opening in front, 85 liter refrigerator,Cockpit shower (hot/cold), companionway suncushions, opening window, stainless steel bow protection, protection guardon the transom, teak skirting board, extended cockpit bench, cockpit table with central storage compartment and handrail made of stainless steeland lighting, Hifi: Fusion with waterproof interior and exterior speakers, battery charge level indicators(Navicolor screen (3.5""), double berth in saloon, foot pump seawater/freshwater pantry, sink cover withCutting board, fly screen, indirect LED lighting, two genoa winches, German mainsheet system (main sheet withFolding runners at the helm), bow platform with anchor roller and water stay, genoa sheet traveler rails on theSide decks with line adjustment, center cleats, fold-out footrest for helmsman, windlass control withCounter operated from the cockpit, railing access, teak sun loungers
Izberi datum odhoda
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Ocene ladjarja
Postopek prijave/odjave
Pomoč med plovbo
9 oseb priporoča tega ladjarja
Junij 2023, Can Pastilla s plovilom Beneteau GT 45
Avgust 2022, Can Pastilla s plovilom Lagoon 40 - 4 + 1 cab.
Avgust 2022, Can Pastilla s plovilom Lagoon Lagoon 42 - 4 cab.
Julij 2022, Can Pastilla s plovilom Lagoon 42
Avgust 2020, Can Pastilla s plovilom Sun Odyssey 439
Oktober 2016, Maiorca s plovilom Beneteau Oceanis 50
Avgust 2013, Mallorca s plovilom Bavaria 50
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Ca'n Pastilla
Vreme v Ca'n Pastilla
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Maj
- Jun
- Jul
- Avg
- Sept
- Okt
- Nov
- Dec
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
searchResult.nBoats: 42
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