Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 - Lefkada
Pozicija Lefkada, Grčija
Leto 2021
Kabine 4
Ležišč 10 (8+2)
Osebe 10
Tip glavnega jadra Navijalno
Kopalnice 4
Dolžina 14.6 m
Rezervoar za vodo 370 l
Motor 80 HP Yanmar 4jh80 CR SD
Električni wc
Bow thruster
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Izberi datum odhoda
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Ocene ladjarja
Postopek prijave/odjave
Pomoč med plovbo
8 oseb priporoča tega ladjarja
September 2024, Lefkada, Grčija s plovilom Lagoon 40
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Julij 2023, Lefkas s plovilom Beneteau Oceanis 43
Julij 2021, Corfu s plovilom Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Lefkada
Vreme v Lefkada
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Maj
- Jun
- Jul
- Avg
- Sept
- Okt
- Nov
- Dec
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
searchResult.nBoats: 220
"tipo" : [ "Barca a vela" ],
"anno" : [ "2017:" ],
"durata" : [ null ],
"cabine" : [ "4", "5" ],
"pageSize" : [ "28" ],
"zoomOut" : [ "1" ],
"sb" : [ "realTime", "flexPrecise", "raccomandate" ],
"s" : [ "Lefkada" ],
"prezzoDa" : [ "13690.586" ],
"page" : [ "0" ],
"lang" : [ "sl" ],
"dataIn" : [ null ],
"prezzoA" : [ "25425.374" ]
Thank you for your feedback!
The good thing is that the yacht was in top condition as the staff’s behavior!
We know we have a real issue with the cleaning company. It’s the biggest in Lefkas and their crew has started to “malfunction”… We try our best, we even go in the yachts after them and finish cleaning ourselves but, sometimes, it’s not enough…
As far as the cost goes, this is what they charge us for bedlinen and outside wash (which I think wasn’t an issue).
The truth is that it’s really difficult to have the cleaning crew at 100% all the time… Noone was born with the dream of cleaning other people’s filth, under the 50 C Greek sun and, as soon as they find an alternative, they leave. And then we get new crew during high season, who don’t know the work and they have to learn instantly…
So, at the end of the day, we keep our yachts in mint condition (as we know how to), try our best with the cleaning and hope that’s enough!
I’m really sorry for the inconvenience Massimo!