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Najem Hanse Yachts Hanse 455 - 3 Cab. - Biograd na Moru

Leto 2018
Kabine 3
Ugrez 2.25 m
Ležišč 6+2salon
Dolžina 13.95 m
Osebe 8
Tip glavnega jadra Klasično
Kopalnice 2
Rezervoar za vodo 450 l
Avtopilot : B&G 2xTriton+Precision 9 cmpass
Električni wc
Klima : only in salon, on shore power
Bow thruster
Bow thruster : retractable
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
Early check-in (boarding between 13h and 14h) - on request, with surcharge
Late check-out (Saturday till 10h) - on request, with surcharge
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
16/5/26 - 23/5/26
23/5/26 - 30/5/26
30/5/26 - 6/6/26
6/6/26 - 13/6/26
13/6/26 - 20/6/26
20/6/26 - 27/6/26
27/6/26 - 4/7/26
4/7/26 - 11/7/26
11/7/26 - 18/7/26
18/7/26 - 25/7/26
25/7/26 - 1/8/26
1/8/26 - 8/8/26
8/8/26 - 15/8/26
15/8/26 - 22/8/26
22/8/26 - 29/8/26
29/8/26 - 5/9/26
5/9/26 - 12/9/26
12/9/26 - 19/9/26
19/9/26 - 26/9/26
26/9/26 - 3/10/26
3/10/26 - 10/10/26
10/10/26 - 17/10/26
Dodatne storitve 
Dodatne storitve, ki se plačajo neposredno v marini ob vkrcanju.
WiFi GRATIS ON BOAT:  GRATIS (predplačilo) Obvezno --
Charter package:  Charter package includes final cleaning, gas, check-in and out services, Wi-Fi 70GB/week, package for toilets (toilet paper and soap /per each toilet) and kitchen (1 kitchen paper towels, a sponge and a cleaning cloth, a small package of dish detergent, 1 waste bag, 2 kitchen towels, 2x 1l bottle of water), bed linen/bath towels (2 sets per cabin - do not include saloon and skipper cabin). Obvezno 320€ (po rezervaciji)
Varščina (kavcija):  za plačilo ob prijavi (check in-u) s kreditno kartico ali z gotovino Vračljivo 2000€
E-SUP:  SipaBoards - Allrounder; + additional deposit 1500 EUR, order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment Neobvezno 270€ (tedensko)
Pet on board:  maximum 2 pets allowed Neobvezno 200€ (po rezervaciji)
Outboard engine 2,3 HP:  Special promotion, free of charge Neobvezno --
Deposit insurance:  + refundable deposit 200,00 EUR Neobvezno 240€ (po rezervaciji)
Pokaži vse dodatne storitve
Extra bedlinen Neobvezno 10€ (po kompletu)
Beach towel Neobvezno 10€ (po kosu)
Towels Neobvezno 10€ (po kompletu)
Kayak:  *additional deposit 250 EUR, order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment Neobvezno 150€ (tedensko)
Stand up paddle (SUP):  *additional deposit 250 EUR, order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment Neobvezno 100€ (tedensko)
Railing net (Safety net)
Rental without mounting; order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment 30€
order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment 130€
Neobvezno 30–130€ (po rezervaciji)
Assisted Sailing:  Valovie - remote sailing assistance; Our skipper will help and assist you remotely during your charter, and provide you advices when it comes to berths, restaurant recommendations, weather forecasts etc. Neobvezno 270€ (po rezervaciji)
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Uživaj v miru dopust z zavarovanjem Pantaenius GmbH.
Bond Insurance  
Varščina je zavarovana za primer izgube ali poškodbe najetega plovila več podrobnosti.
Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
Neobvezno od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance 
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
Neobvezno od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene plovila (1)
Angelina Yachtcharter  
Il peggior charter con cui fino ad ora abbiamo avuto a che fare. Già il check-in è iniziato in maniera problematica, con l'addetto molto frettoloso e poco incline alle nostre domande. La barca inoltre è in cattivo stato di manutenzione. Le principali manovre risultavano durissime e le cime non scorrevano bene. Il fiocco per essere arrotolato aveva bisogno del winch. I reef non scorrevano liberamente. In cabina c'era uno specchio rotto, uno sportello pericolante ed un fondo di un mobiletto divelto. Le batterie servizi erano completamente esauste e duravano poche ore. I filtri del troppo pieno delle acque nere erano completamente otturati. Il frigo non raffreddava in quanto aveva buona parte delle guarnizioni mancanti. Il segnavento in testa d'albero si bloccava. Il pistone dello specchio di poppa era completamente rotto e per alzarlo ed abbassarlo ci voleva uno sforzo sovraumano. Il volume reale della riserva di acqua non era conforme a quanto dichiarato sulla scheda tecnica. Inoltre al checkout, ci hanno fatto pagare 8€ perchè secondo loro il serbatoio non era pieno, anche se l'indicatore digitale segnava 100%. Insomma, un charter molto superficiale e poco attento.
Julij 2024, Biograd na Moru, Hrvaška s plovilom Hanse Yachts Hanse 455 - 3 cab.
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje 05.08.2024

Thank you kindly for sending the client's feedback.

We have requested a report from our base and provide it below:

Everything went well during the check-in, and our team provided all the information to the clients and answered all the questions.
One of the information that is provided to the clients at the check-in concerns also the fuel tank and obligatory refueling at the end of the charter.
They have been informed as well what is the procedure in case the fuel tank would not be returned full, as it was received at the check-in.

Once the clients can back to the base, they came to the office to return the boat documents and to finish the check-out procedure.
There was a damage on the thruster propellers, and there were missing 4l of the fuel.

Our colleague informed there was an issue with indicator reading, so they had to do double check, and stated there were 4 litres missing which he then added to the tank.
The missing 4l were charged, as part of regular, and previously explain procedure when refueling is needed, after which skipper's wife reffered to our office staff member as being rude for charging it.

The mirror on the yacht was damaged by the clients who were previously on board. Replacement mirror was ordered and it was arranged to be set on board once the yacht returned to the base.

Clients were informed about it by our technician in charge, and clients took picture of it and sent it to the base via email once the check-in was done.
Regarding the flok, as the sail is big, the closing system is on winch, and regarding the fridge, clients did not report any issue during the charter and there were no problems with it.
The water tank was full, as our colleague checked at the check-in and check-out, and the batteries are working properly.
We must add that clients did not contact the base during the charter, and at the check-out they informed everything was fine.

We do hope that client did enjoy their sailing time!
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Ocene ladjarja (119)
Super dopust  
Vse dobro in korektno izvedeno.
September 2023, Šibenik, Hrvaška s plovilom Dufour Yachts Dufour 460 GL - 3 cab.
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje 03.10.2023

We kindly thank you for the feedback.
We are glad client enjoyed and had a great time sailing on our Dufour 460 Siri.
It will be our pleasure to welcome him again!
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Skiper super .. i sve dobro organizirano..
Avgust 2024, Tribunj, Hrvaška s plovilom Bali 4.0
Soddisfazione del noleggio barca C42 Bavaria  
Ringrazio e mi colpimento con Marenauta, La barca era esattamente come da premesse, perfetta! Ringrazio anche il mio consulente Raffaele per la chiarezza e la puntualità nelle informazioni. Dovessi noleggiare ancora terrò sicuramente conto di voi. Saluti Massimo Spisni
Oktober 2024, Punat, Hrvaška s plovilom Bavaria Bavaria C42
1 2 3 4 5 6
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Biograd na Moru

Vreme v Biograd na Moru

Julij è il mese più caldo in Biograd na Moru s povprečno temperaturo 25°C (77°F) in najhladnejši mesec je Januar a 7°C (44°F). Mesec, ko je morje najtopleje, je Avgust ko je temperatura morja 25°C (45°F).

Povprečne letne temperature v Biograd na Moru

Sledeči graf prikazuje najvišje in najnižje povprečne temperature za vsak mesec v letu. Ravno tako kaže povprečno temperaturo površine morja.
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • Maj
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Avg
  • Sept
  • Okt
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • 30°C
  • 27°C
  • 24°C
  • 21°C
  • 18°C
  • 15°C
  • 12°C
  • 9°C
  • 6°C
  • 3°C
Najvišja C°
Najnižja C°
Morje C°
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati
Hanse Yachts Hanse 455 - 3 Cab. - Biograd na Moru
Pozicija Biograd na Moru, Hrvaška
Leto 2018
Kabine 3
Ležišč 6+2salon
Osebe 8
Tip glavnega jadra Klasično
Kopalnice 2
Dolžina 13.95 m
Rezervoar za vodo 450 l
Ugrez 2.25 m
Avtopilot : B&G 2xTriton+Precision 9 cmpass
Električni wc
Klima : only in salon, on shore power
Bow thruster
Bow thruster : retractable
Solarni paneli
Pokaži vso opremo
Dodatne informacije
Tukaj najdete dodatne informacije, ki jih je posredovala charter družba.
Early check-in (boarding between 13h and 14h) - on request, with surcharge
Late check-out (Saturday till 10h) - on request, with surcharge
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
16/5/26 - 23/5/26
23/5/26 - 30/5/26
30/5/26 - 6/6/26
6/6/26 - 13/6/26
13/6/26 - 20/6/26
20/6/26 - 27/6/26
27/6/26 - 4/7/26
4/7/26 - 11/7/26
11/7/26 - 18/7/26
18/7/26 - 25/7/26
25/7/26 - 1/8/26
1/8/26 - 8/8/26
8/8/26 - 15/8/26
15/8/26 - 22/8/26
22/8/26 - 29/8/26
29/8/26 - 5/9/26
5/9/26 - 12/9/26
12/9/26 - 19/9/26
19/9/26 - 26/9/26
26/9/26 - 3/10/26
3/10/26 - 10/10/26
10/10/26 - 17/10/26
Izberi datum odhoda
Check in (prijava)
Check out (odjava)
Vnesi datum odhoda za iskanje cene
Potrjena razpoložljivost
Razpoložljivost in cena tega plovila so bili ažurirani. Možna je takojšnja rezervacija.
Dodatne storitve 
WiFi GRATIS ON BOAT  Obvezno : GRATIS (predplačilo)  --
Charter package  Obvezno : Charter package includes final cleaning, gas, check-in and out services, Wi-Fi 70GB/week, package for toilets (toilet paper and soap /per each toilet) and kitchen (1 kitchen paper towels, a sponge and a cleaning cloth, a small package of dish detergent, 1 waste bag, 2 kitchen towels, 2x 1l bottle of water), bed linen/bath towels (2 sets per cabin - do not include saloon and skipper cabin).  (po rezervaciji) 320€
Varščina (kavcija)  Vračljivo : za plačilo ob prijavi (check in-u) s kreditno kartico ali z gotovino  2000€
E-SUP  Neobvezno : SipaBoards - Allrounder; + additional deposit 1500 EUR, order in advance due to limited quantity of equipment (tedensko) 270€
Pet on board  Neobvezno : maximum 2 pets allowed (po rezervaciji) 200€
Outboard engine 2,3 HP  Neobvezno : Special promotion, free of charge  --
Deposit insurance  Neobvezno : + refundable deposit 200,00 EUR (po rezervaciji) 240€
Pokaži vse dodatne storitve
Zavaruj svoje potovanje
Bond Insurance 
Varščina je zavarovana za primer izgube ali poškodbe najetega plovila več podrobnosti.
Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance  
Odpoved rezervacije je pokrita za primer nenadne bolezni, poškodbe kapitana ali enega od članov posadke več podrobnosti. Morda ni na voljo za vse države.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cena brez DDV. Cena z DDV bo izračunana glede na državo stalnega prebivališča.
Ocene ladjarja
Kje se nahaja plovilo?
Vreme v Biograd na Moru
Druga plovila, ki bi te utegnila zanimati

Ugodne cene

Brez dodatnih stroškov
Zagotovljena najboljša cena

Največja izbira

Preko 19000 plovil
Preko 1000 destinacij


100000+ Zadovoljnih strank

Ocena: 4.9/5
izračunano na 15488 mnenja

Pomoč strankam

Pomoč pred in po prodaji

Preverite ceno
Posebne ponudbe? Prijavi se na naše e-novice!