Dufour Yachts Dufour 460 Gl - Korfu
Bootsposition Korfu, Griechenland
Jahr 2019
Kabinen 4
Schlafplätze 8+2salon
Personen 10
Hauptsegel-Typ Klassisches
Badezimmer 4
Länge 14.15 m
Wassertank 530 l
Tiefgang 2.2 m
Elektrische Toilette
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2025 update: New Dinghy and new Jet thruster
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Bewertungen über die Reederei
Check-in/ Check-out Prozedur
Assistenz in der Navigation
13 Personen empfehlen diese Reederei
September 2016, Corfu mit Lagoon 400
Der Charter Company hat diese Bewertung kommentiert
Diese Antwort ist das persönliche Kommentar eines Vertreters des Charterunternehmens und nicht das von Marenauta.
Palairos - Zakynthos, 1 week.
Ionian catamarans (a company that represent them in Palairos) Has exceptionally serviceable and responsible staff. Base manager is friendly and welcoming. He gave invaluable advice on the itinerary and winds. The boat was clean, had a good owner's touch, and there was no shortage in ropes, fenders, cookware, finns/masks, bedding, towels and toilet paraphernalia. However, the boat itself (Kebitree, isla 40 2023) left a strange impression of either poorly built or having gone through incredible troubles. Unexpected for a cat that has been in operation for no more than a year and a half. Most of the doors didn't close due to supposed deformation of the bulkheads. Door locks were stuck or didn't lock. The electronic indicators for water and fuel didn't work. Steering wheel was tuned the way it is hard to steer manually (it is supposed to resist, because isla 40 steering wheel has no lock screw, but on this boat it was too uncomfortable). On the other hand all the engines incl. the offboard and generator worked well. Davits has an electrical whinch, but it was constantly overlapping over and then tearing the rope. We used it accurately, in tiniest pulses, but it kept happen. M.b. thicker rope is required there. The running rigging is a bit wear and requires a good wash in fresh water.
Juli 2024, Paleros mit Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 - 4 + 1 cab.
August 2022, Corfu mit Lagoon 42
August 2021, Corfu mit Lagoon 450
Der Charter Company hat diese Bewertung kommentiert
Diese Antwort ist das persönliche Kommentar eines Vertreters des Charterunternehmens und nicht das von Marenauta.
Juli 2021, Corfu mit Dufour Yachts Dufour 460
August 2019, Corfu mit Lagoon 400
Juli 2018, Corfu mit Bavaria 40 C sport
August 2017, Corfu mit Lagoon 380
August 2017, Lefkas mit Lagoon 440
Wo ist das Boot?
Wettervorhersage für Korfu
Wettervorhersage für Korfu
- Jan
- Feb
- Mär
- Apr
- Mai
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Okt
- Nov
- Dez
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
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searchResult.nBoats: 93
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