Električni WC: Electric Toilets
Ploter karata: GPS plotter
Cockpit Compass
Wind instrument
Kitchen supplies
Gas cooker
Cockpit table
Grijanje: Heater in every cabin & salon
Connection USB/AUX
Safety equipment
Tikovina u kokpitu
Pomoćni čamac
TV: TV in salon
Hladnjak: Electrical fridge
Gas oven
Deck Shower
Solarni paneli
In-mast furling
Shore power 220V
Zvučnici u kokpitu
Klima: Aircondition in every cabin & salon
220v power outlet
Hot water
Electrical anchor windless
Grijanje: Heater
Depth sounder
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzija vlasnika plovila (2)
Charter approssimativo, barca sofferente
Il charter ha un pontile ma non un ufficio o una sede. si fa molta fatica a farsi seguire.
la barca aveva importanti problemi. qualcuno aveva staccato la black tank lasciando le aperture libere di scolare: escrementi nel controstampo e odore da latrina di calcutta.
ho chiesto di sestemarla e pulirla ma hanno fatto spallucce dicendo che non potevano fare niente.
come conseguenza me la sono pulita io guanti e disinfettante alla mano tappando gli scoli con scottex e scotch perchè non si respirava.
vele e attrezzature di coperta erano in ordine, navigatore inutilizzabile, ho usato navionics.
in navigazione si rompe la cinghia dei servizi, intervengono in 2 h.
non so se riprenderei la barca da loro
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
The location of our base is communicated to all customers upon chartering the boat. In the related document we have a link from google maps as well as photos.
Our office is 500 meters away from the dock. We prefer to do the check-in at the dock than to tell the client to walk 500 meters in the heat.
Most companies in Lefkada do not have an office. Is this a subject for review?
Regarding the wastewater tank the customer is correct that it was disconnected. We apologize for not detecting it in time to fix it. Regarding the dynamo belt it is a fact that it was cut even though it was new and we showed it to the customer.
We replaced it immediately (within 2 hours) even though the customer had left and was not at our base. We think he is unfairly blaming us for this. As for the boat's navigator this was a new Garmin 5 inch ecomap with all the charts present. We can't understand why it was useless as he mentions.
Did he not know how to use it? Thanks.
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
Ionische Inseln / Levkas
Eines der schönsten Segelreviere, welches wir bislang besucht haben. Im Spätsommer sehr zu empfehlen. Wie immer hat es mit der Agentur hervorragend funktioniert. Der Vercharterer war sehr zuvorkommend und das Boot dem alter entsprechend in einem recht guten Zustand. Land und Leute sind selbst in der Nachsaison unglaublich entgegenkommend und freundlich. Diese Revier hat uns sicher nicht das letzte Mal gesehen.
Kolovoza je najtopliji mjesec u Lefkas sa prosječnom temperaturom od 24°C (75°F) i najhladniji mjesec je Siječnja a 9°C (48°F). Mjesec u kojem je more najtoplije je Kolovoza kada je temperatura mora 26°C (46°F).
Prosječna godišnja temperatura u Lefkas
Na sljedećem grafikonu su prikazane maksimalne i minimalne prosječne temperature za svaki mjesec u godini. Vidljiva je također i prosječna temperatura površine mora.
Maksimalna C°
Minimalna C°
More C°
Unesi datum polaska
Unesi datum polaska da bi saznao cijenu
Raspoloživost je potvrđena
Raspoloživost i cijena ovog broda su ažurirani. Moguće je odmah potvrditi rezervaciju.
Puno ljudi je zainteresirano za ovaj brod.
4 osoba razmišlja o najmu ovog plovila.
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije o vlasniku plovila
Hospitality of the charter
Check-in/out procedure
Assistance in navigation
1 osoba je preporučila ovog vlasnika
Charter approssimativo, barca sofferente
Il charter ha un pontile ma non un ufficio o una sede. si fa molta fatica a farsi seguire.
la barca aveva importanti problemi. qualcuno aveva staccato la black tank lasciando le aperture libere di scolare: escrementi nel controstampo e odore da latrina di calcutta.
ho chiesto di sestemarla e pulirla ma hanno fatto spallucce dicendo che non potevano fare niente.
come conseguenza me la sono pulita io guanti e disinfettante alla mano tappando gli scoli con scottex e scotch perchè non si respirava.
vele e attrezzature di coperta erano in ordine, navigatore inutilizzabile, ho usato navionics.
in navigazione si rompe la cinghia dei servizi, intervengono in 2 h.
non so se riprenderei la barca da loro
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
The location of our base is communicated to all customers upon chartering the boat. In the related document we have a link from google maps as well as photos.
Our office is 500 meters away from the dock. We prefer to do the check-in at the dock than to tell the client to walk 500 meters in the heat.
Most companies in Lefkada do not have an office. Is this a subject for review?
Regarding the wastewater tank the customer is correct that it was disconnected. We apologize for not detecting it in time to fix it. Regarding the dynamo belt it is a fact that it was cut even though it was new and we showed it to the customer.
We replaced it immediately (within 2 hours) even though the customer had left and was not at our base. We think he is unfairly blaming us for this. As for the boat's navigator this was a new Garmin 5 inch ecomap with all the charts present. We can't understand why it was useless as he mentions.
Did he not know how to use it? Thanks.
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
Ionische Inseln / Levkas
Eines der schönsten Segelreviere, welches wir bislang besucht haben. Im Spätsommer sehr zu empfehlen. Wie immer hat es mit der Agentur hervorragend funktioniert. Der Vercharterer war sehr zuvorkommend und das Boot dem alter entsprechend in einem recht guten Zustand. Land und Leute sind selbst in der Nachsaison unglaublich entgegenkommend und freundlich. Diese Revier hat uns sicher nicht das letzte Mal gesehen.
Regarding the wastewater tank the customer is correct that it was disconnected. We apologize for not detecting it in time to fix it.
Regarding the dynamo belt it is a fact that it was cut even though it was new and we showed it to the customer.
As for the boat's navigator this was a new Garmin 5 inch ecomap with all the charts present. We can't understand why it was useless as he mentions.