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One damn fine vacation  
I was just looking pictures and videos from this trip. Everything was excelent, weather, sea and ofcourse ship. I had minor issues with wipers because fuse broke twice but everything else 9n the ship was perfect. Team from marenauta was great from start to finish. From lady that checked me in to guys who I retruned the boat, guys that gave me instructions about thr ship and ofcourse Domagoj who was always on the line 24/7 read to answer even a couple of stupid questions that I had. Hopefully I am returning this summer. Congads marenauta and orvas jachting.👍
Kolovoza 2024, Split, Hrvatska sa Beneteau Antares 9 OB
Ugodan odmor, brod prostran izuzev sto se samo jedan toaelet mogao koristi ako smo usidreni u luci! Prvi out smo bili na katamaranu Bali svi smo se slizili da nam Su nam brodovi Lagoon drazi! Vrijeme nam nije bilo bas naklonjeno u tom periodu a to nitko nemoze unaprijed predvidjeti! Tvrtka Navigare kod check-in i check-out i u svakom pogledu vrlo profesionalni i svaka pohvala za ekspeditivnost u rjesavanju svakog pitanja!
Lipnja 2024, Trogir, Hrvatska sa Bali 4.6 - 5 + 1 cab.
Sailing in the north Adriatic  
We spent nice holiday on the boat sailing with friends. We visited north Adriatic islands Cres, Lošinj, Susak and Unije. The sailing boat was in very good shape, well maintained and without problems during our trip. The only problem we had was with outboard engine for the auxiliary boat which was not functioning.. We are booking boats from Marenauta agency year after year an we are very satisfied.
Lipnja 2024, Pula, Hrvatska sa Bavaria Cruiser 51
Utisci Volos, septembar 24  
Utisci Volos, septembar 24
Rujna 2024, Volos, Grčka sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349
Dream vacation  
It was amazing! Boat was in great shape and we really enjoyed every moment. Can’t wait to be back.
Kolovoza 2024, Kaštel Gomilica, Hrvatska sa Hanse 418 - 3 cab.
Fantastic Service!  
I have been chartering for almost 10 years now, and this time I experienced extraordinary service by the agency! Starting with the booking process that was simple and transparent with a very reasonable charter price (total package including the transfer cost etc.). Day before the charter, I received a call with the info that the boat is ready and that we are welcome to arrive at any time, since we requested early check in. Check in happened the moment we arrived! Simple and efficient process with the formalities in the office. Professional skipper helped us to navigate the narrow marina out, and on the way back, even without asking, the same skipper approached us on a dingy to take the boat back into the marina. Exceptional!
Listopada 2024, Trogir, Hrvatska sa Bavaria C45 - 4 cab.
1 2 3 4 5 6

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Ocjena: 4.9/5
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