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Najam Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440 - Lefkas

Godina 2020
Motor Yanmar 57 HP
Kabine 4
Ležajeva 10 (8+2)
Dužina 13.39 m
Osobe 10
Vrsta glavnog jedra Furling
Kupaonica 2
Spremnik vode 530 l
Raymarine autopilot
Portable inverter for laptop/camera charging
Električni WC
Electric Toilets
Pramčani propeler
Solarni paneli
Prikaži svu opremu
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
16/5/26 - 23/5/26
23/5/26 - 30/5/26
30/5/26 - 6/6/26
6/6/26 - 13/6/26
13/6/26 - 20/6/26
20/6/26 - 27/6/26
27/6/26 - 4/7/26
4/7/26 - 11/7/26
11/7/26 - 18/7/26
18/7/26 - 25/7/26
25/7/26 - 1/8/26
1/8/26 - 8/8/26
8/8/26 - 15/8/26
15/8/26 - 22/8/26
22/8/26 - 29/8/26
29/8/26 - 5/9/26
5/9/26 - 12/9/26
12/9/26 - 19/9/26
19/9/26 - 26/9/26
26/9/26 - 3/10/26
3/10/26 - 10/10/26
10/10/26 - 17/10/26
Dodatne usluge 
Dodatne usluge koje će se morati platiti u marini u trenutku ukrcaja.
Standard Charter pack-Cabins 4 (End cleaning, bed linen, towels, 1 gas bottle, Friday night ONLY in the marina, outboard) Obavezno 240€
Depozit:  plaćanje na check-inu kreditnom karticom ili gotovinom Povratni 2500€
Skipper (upon request/plus food) Opcionalno 190€ dnevno
Extra bed linen Opcionalno 10€ po osobi
Spare Air (scuba licence required) Opcionalno 100€ tjedno
Provisioning (in addition to the cost of provisions) Opcionalno 80€
Espresso machine (Yacht must have inverter) Opcionalno 50€ tjedno
Prikaži sve dodatne usluge
WiFi 30GB Opcionalno 50€
Inflatable life jackets Opcionalno 10€ tjedno po osobi
One way Lefkas-Corfu Opcionalno 500€
SUP Opcionalno 120€ tjedno
Ice cube maker (Yacht must have inverter) Opcionalno 50€ tjedno
Automated External Defibrillator (First Aid certification required) Opcionalno 300€ tjedno
Safety net Opcionalno 150€
Canoe kayak Opcionalno 120€ tjedno
Cook/Hostess (upon request/plus food) Opcionalno 190€ dnevno
Safety net (installed) Opcionalno 200€
Early Check In (until 14:00) Opcionalno 150€
BBQ Opcionalno 50€ tjedno
4 cabins to 3 conversion Opcionalno 150€
Pet cleaning fee Opcionalno 150€
Damage Waiver-non refundable (with our skipper) Opcionalno 350€
Osiguraj svoj odmor
Uživaj u odmoru uz osiguranje Pantaenius GmbH.
Bond Insurance  
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
Opcionalno od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance 
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade više detalja. Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
Opcionalno od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije plovila (1)
Noleggio luglio 2024. Isole Ioniche  
La pulizia della barca non era adeguata. Abbiamo segnalato alla ocietà di charter che ci ha ridotto la quota per la pulizia dalle 240 euro (mi sembrano veramente elevate) a 120
Srpnja 2024, Lefkas, Grčka sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju 01.08.2024

Thank you for your feedback!

The good thing is that the yacht was in top condition as the staff’s behavior!


We know we have a real issue with the cleaning company. It’s the biggest in Lefkas and their crew has started to “malfunction”… We try our best, we even go in the yachts after them and finish cleaning ourselves but, sometimes, it’s not enough…


As far as the cost goes, this is what they charge us for bedlinen and outside wash (which I think wasn’t an issue).


The truth is that it’s really difficult to have the cleaning crew at 100% all the time… Noone was born with the dream of cleaning other people’s filth, under the 50 C Greek sun and, as soon as they find an alternative, they leave. And then we get new crew during high season, who don’t know the work and they have to learn instantly…


So, at the end of the day, we keep our yachts in mint condition (as we know how to), try our best with the cleaning and hope that’s enough!


I’m really sorry for the inconvenience Massimo!

Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
Recenzija vlasnika plovila (9)
Septemberwoche 2024 Greece  
Es hat in summe alles ganz gut geklappt....Buchungsablauf, CheckIn und Übergabe der Yacht mit der Charterbasis bei BAX in Lefkas. Das Schiff war gut ausgestattet, technisch hat auch alles funktioniert. Das Personal im Office sowie am Steg ist hilfsbereits und freundlich. Nur 4 Sterne wegen: Der von uns gewünschte Early Checkin hat leider nicht entsprechend Vereinbarung - ca. 12-13 Uhr - mit der Basis funktioniert - die Batterien waren defekt, der Austausch hat leider 2-3 Stundn gedauert, so das wir erst um ca. 15 Uhr ablegen konnten. Die Bettwäsche in den Kabinen waren nicht bezogen. Einer der großen Nachteile bei Bax sind die weit entfernten Liegeplätze (...am letzten Pier vom Hafen!) der Gepäckt & Einkauftransport ist wirklich sehr herausfordernd. Hier gibt es Verbesserungspotenzial - z.B: könnte der Service einfach verbessert werden z.B. durch kleine E-Fahrzeuge Fahrrad/Dreirad mit Gepäckfach oder ähnliches. Vielen Dank
Rujna 2024, Lefkas, Grčka sa Lagoon 40
Bella vacanza  
Buona barca servizio e spiegazioni un po frettolose ...
Lipnja 2024, Lefkas, Grčka sa Beneteau 393
Noleggio luglio 2024. Isole Ioniche  
La pulizia della barca non era adeguata. Abbiamo segnalato alla ocietà di charter che ci ha ridotto la quota per la pulizia dalle 240 euro (mi sembrano veramente elevate) a 120
Srpnja 2024, Lefkas, Grčka sa Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju 01.08.2024

Thank you for your feedback!

The good thing is that the yacht was in top condition as the staff’s behavior!


We know we have a real issue with the cleaning company. It’s the biggest in Lefkas and their crew has started to “malfunction”… We try our best, we even go in the yachts after them and finish cleaning ourselves but, sometimes, it’s not enough…


As far as the cost goes, this is what they charge us for bedlinen and outside wash (which I think wasn’t an issue).


The truth is that it’s really difficult to have the cleaning crew at 100% all the time… Noone was born with the dream of cleaning other people’s filth, under the 50 C Greek sun and, as soon as they find an alternative, they leave. And then we get new crew during high season, who don’t know the work and they have to learn instantly…


So, at the end of the day, we keep our yachts in mint condition (as we know how to), try our best with the cleaning and hope that’s enough!


I’m really sorry for the inconvenience Massimo!

Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
1 2 3
Gdje se nalazi brod?
Vremenska prognoza u Lefkas

Vremenska prognoza u Lefkas

Kolovoza je najtopliji mjesec u Lefkas sa prosječnom temperaturom od 24°C (75°F) i najhladniji mjesec je Siječnja a 9°C (48°F). Mjesec u kojem je more najtoplije je Kolovoza kada je temperatura mora 26°C (46°F).

Prosječna godišnja temperatura u Lefkas

Na sljedećem grafikonu su prikazane maksimalne i minimalne prosječne temperature za svaki mjesec u godini. Vidljiva je također i prosječna temperatura površine mora.
  • Sij
  • Velj
  • Ožu
  • Tra
  • Svi
  • Lip
  • Srp
  • Kol
  • Ruj
  • Lis
  • Stu
  • Pro
  • 30°C
  • 27°C
  • 24°C
  • 21°C
  • 18°C
  • 15°C
  • 12°C
  • 9°C
  • 6°C
  • 3°C
Maksimalna C°
Minimalna C°
More C°
Unesi datum polaska
Unesi datum polaska da bi saznao cijenu
Raspoloživost je potvrđena
Raspoloživost i cijena ovog broda su ažurirani. Moguće je odmah potvrditi rezervaciju.
Više plovila koja bi vam se mogla svidjeti
Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440 - Lefkas
Lokacija Lefkas, Grčka
Godina 2020
Kabine 4
Ležajeva 10 (8+2)
Osobe 10
Vrsta glavnog jedra Furling
Kupaonica 2
Dužina 13.39 m
Spremnik vode 530 l
Motor Yanmar 57 HP
Raymarine autopilot
Portable inverter for laptop/camera charging
Električni WC
Electric Toilets
Pramčani propeler
Solarni paneli
Prikaži svu opremu
29/3/25 - 5/4/25
5/4/25 - 12/4/25
12/4/25 - 19/4/25
19/4/25 - 26/4/25
26/4/25 - 3/5/25
3/5/25 - 10/5/25
10/5/25 - 17/5/25
17/5/25 - 24/5/25
24/5/25 - 31/5/25
31/5/25 - 7/6/25
7/6/25 - 14/6/25
14/6/25 - 21/6/25
21/6/25 - 28/6/25
28/6/25 - 5/7/25
5/7/25 - 12/7/25
12/7/25 - 19/7/25
19/7/25 - 26/7/25
26/7/25 - 2/8/25
2/8/25 - 9/8/25
9/8/25 - 16/8/25
16/8/25 - 23/8/25
23/8/25 - 30/8/25
30/8/25 - 6/9/25
6/9/25 - 13/9/25
13/9/25 - 20/9/25
20/9/25 - 27/9/25
27/9/25 - 4/10/25
4/10/25 - 11/10/25
11/10/25 - 18/10/25
18/10/25 - 25/10/25
25/10/25 - 1/11/25
1/11/25 - 8/11/25
8/11/25 - 15/11/25
15/11/25 - 22/11/25
22/11/25 - 29/11/25
29/11/25 - 6/12/25
6/12/25 - 13/12/25
13/12/25 - 20/12/25
20/12/25 - 27/12/25
27/12/25 - 3/1/26
3/1/26 - 10/1/26
10/1/26 - 17/1/26
17/1/26 - 24/1/26
24/1/26 - 31/1/26
31/1/26 - 7/2/26
7/2/26 - 14/2/26
14/2/26 - 21/2/26
21/2/26 - 28/2/26
28/2/26 - 7/3/26
7/3/26 - 14/3/26
14/3/26 - 21/3/26
21/3/26 - 28/3/26
28/3/26 - 4/4/26
4/4/26 - 11/4/26
11/4/26 - 18/4/26
18/4/26 - 25/4/26
25/4/26 - 2/5/26
2/5/26 - 9/5/26
9/5/26 - 16/5/26
16/5/26 - 23/5/26
23/5/26 - 30/5/26
30/5/26 - 6/6/26
6/6/26 - 13/6/26
13/6/26 - 20/6/26
20/6/26 - 27/6/26
27/6/26 - 4/7/26
4/7/26 - 11/7/26
11/7/26 - 18/7/26
18/7/26 - 25/7/26
25/7/26 - 1/8/26
1/8/26 - 8/8/26
8/8/26 - 15/8/26
15/8/26 - 22/8/26
22/8/26 - 29/8/26
29/8/26 - 5/9/26
5/9/26 - 12/9/26
12/9/26 - 19/9/26
19/9/26 - 26/9/26
26/9/26 - 3/10/26
3/10/26 - 10/10/26
10/10/26 - 17/10/26
Unesi datum polaska
Unesi datum polaska da bi saznao cijenu
Raspoloživost je potvrđena
Raspoloživost i cijena ovog broda su ažurirani. Moguće je odmah potvrditi rezervaciju.
Dodatne usluge 
Standard Charter pack-Cabins 4 (End cleaning, bed linen, towels, 1 gas bottle, Friday night ONLY in the marina, outboard)  Obavezno   240€
Depozit  Povratni : plaćanje na check-inu kreditnom karticom ili gotovinom  2500€
Skipper (upon request/plus food)  Opcionalno  dnevno 190€
Extra bed linen  Opcionalno  po osobi 10€
Spare Air (scuba licence required)  Opcionalno  tjedno 100€
Provisioning (in addition to the cost of provisions)  Opcionalno   80€
Espresso machine (Yacht must have inverter)  Opcionalno  tjedno 50€
Prikaži sve dodatne usluge
Osiguraj svoj odmor
Bond Insurance 
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance  
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade više detalja. Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije o vlasniku plovila
Gdje se nalazi brod?
Vremenska prognoza u Lefkas
Više plovila koja bi vam se mogla svidjeti

Povoljne cijene

Bez dodatnih troškova
Garancija najbolje cijene

Maksimalan izbor

Više od 19000 plovila
Više od 1000 destinacija


100000+ Zadovoljnih kupca

Ocjena: 4.9/5
dobivena na osnovi 15488 recenzije

Služba za Korisnike

Pomoć prije i nakon rezervacije

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