Solar protection with bimini and lateral flaps, fans in saloon and cabins, bed and linen, dishes, water and freeze capacity increased, solar panels and extra batteries, 12V socket in cabins, semi-rigid dinghy with outboard engine, security equipment, electronic pack with gps, vhf, depth, sounder, speedometer, automatic pilot, pack audio MP3, snorkelling equipment (mini 4 sets)
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije plovila (2)
Sailing Guadeloupe January 2025 in a Lagoon 40
My family and I (8 persons) had a great trip sailing around the island of Guadeloupe for 10 days in January 2025 in a Lagoon 40. A lot of wind and sun, nice bays and great food.
The boat rental company Corail Caraibes in Guadeloupe and Marenauta have been very supportive.
Hi, we had a perfect sailing vacation, taking the catamaran out of Guadeloupe north to Antigua and Barbuda and back again. We where two families, total of 9 persons, the boat was comfortable for all of us.
My family and I (8 persons) had a great trip sailing around the island of Guadeloupe for 10 days in January 2025 in a Lagoon 40. A lot of wind and sun, nice bays and great food.
The boat rental company Corail Caraibes in Guadeloupe and Marenauta have been very supportive.
Hi, we had a perfect sailing vacation, taking the catamaran out of Guadeloupe north to Antigua and Barbuda and back again. We where two families, total of 9 persons, the boat was comfortable for all of us.
Catamarano Helia 44 comodo, ben attrezzato, pulito, non velocissimo.
Attrezzature ok (vele, generatore, dissalatore, 3 frighi energivori!!).
Gommone vecchiotto, suo motore con qualche problema.
Isole molto belle, un pò distanti tra loro.
Sempre stati in rada (x 15 gg) nelle varie baie sottovento: tutto ok.
Tempo non bellissimo (squalls frequenti), vento fresco e onda (anche 3 m) tra le isole e verso les Saints (anche 35 kn)
Posti belli e non affollati, acqua sempre bella e suff. calda, si pesca bene ma attenti alla cigatera!!
Cartografico della barca ok, abbiamo cmq utilizzato sempre il Navionics installato sul ns Ipad
Prosinca 2018, Pointe-à-Pitre, Gvadalupa sa Helia 44
Lipnja je najtopliji mjesec u Pointe-à-Pitre sa prosječnom temperaturom od 27°C (80°F) i najhladniji mjesec je Veljače a 23°C (73°F). Mjesec u kojem je more najtoplije je Lipnja kada je temperatura mora 29°C (48°F).
Prosječna godišnja temperatura u Pointe-à-Pitre
Na sljedećem grafikonu su prikazane maksimalne i minimalne prosječne temperature za svaki mjesec u godini. Vidljiva je također i prosječna temperatura površine mora.
: plaćanje na check-inu kreditnom karticom ili gotovinom
Uključeno u cijenu
Biancheria letto
Uključeno u cijenu
Bombola gas
Uključeno u cijenu
Uključeno u cijenu
Prikaži sve dodatne usluge
Motore fuoribordo
Uključeno u cijenu
: hrana nije uključena dnevno
Stand up paddle
: tjedno
Fishing rod
Safety net
Life jackets for children
: po osobi
: hrana nije uključena dnevno
Osiguraj svoj odmor
Bond Insurance
Depozit je osiguran u slučaju gubitka ili oštećenja rezerviranog plovila
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 71.43€ ¹
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije o vlasniku plovila
Hospitality of the charter
Check-in/out procedure
Assistance in navigation
6 osobe su preporučile ovog vlasnika
Sailing Guadeloupe January 2025 in a Lagoon 40
My family and I (8 persons) had a great trip sailing around the island of Guadeloupe for 10 days in January 2025 in a Lagoon 40. A lot of wind and sun, nice bays and great food.
The boat rental company Corail Caraibes in Guadeloupe and Marenauta have been very supportive.
Hi, we had a perfect sailing vacation, taking the catamaran out of Guadeloupe north to Antigua and Barbuda and back again. We where two families, total of 9 persons, the boat was comfortable for all of us.
Catamarano Helia 44 comodo, ben attrezzato, pulito, non velocissimo.
Attrezzature ok (vele, generatore, dissalatore, 3 frighi energivori!!).
Gommone vecchiotto, suo motore con qualche problema.
Isole molto belle, un pò distanti tra loro.
Sempre stati in rada (x 15 gg) nelle varie baie sottovento: tutto ok.
Tempo non bellissimo (squalls frequenti), vento fresco e onda (anche 3 m) tra le isole e verso les Saints (anche 35 kn)
Posti belli e non affollati, acqua sempre bella e suff. calda, si pesca bene ma attenti alla cigatera!!
Cartografico della barca ok, abbiamo cmq utilizzato sempre il Navionics installato sul ns Ipad
Prosinca 2018, Pointe-à-Pitre, Gvadalupa sa Helia 44
Der Vercharterer Guadeloupe bzw. deren Team waren ein ausgesprochen freundliches und sehr professionelles Team. Das Boot war bereits ein älteres Modell, jedoch technisch und optisch einwandfrei!
Das Land ist ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen und die Leute haben ein Selbstverständnis von Miteinander und eine Gelassenheit die in unseren Zeiten schwer irgendwo noch zu finden sind. Man kann es nur mögen. Das Land ist paradiesisch und die Strände sind noch frei von Hotelburgen. Das Leben ist hier bunt in allen Facetten. Man hat den Eindruck, dass alle Farben noch eine spur kräftiger sind. Erst wenn man Tempo raus nimmt, den Stress und den Trubel von zu Hause ablegt und sich auf Land und Leute einstellt, kann man die Schönheit dieses Paradieses erkennen und genießen....!
Man hat aber auch viel Armut gesehen. Wie Menschen mit sehr wenig leben müssen. Umgekehrt habe ich aber noch nie so viele zufrieden Menschen gesehen, oder ist das die karibische Mentalität. Selber kommt man aus einem ganz anderem Land, da bleibt einem nur der Vergleich....!
Alles in allem war der Eindruck, der sich uns geboten hatte, sehr beeindruckend und positiv und wir kommen bestimmt wieder, denn wir wollen noch mehr davon....!
Travnja 2018, Pointe-à-Pitre, Gvadalupa sa Lagoon 380
Guadeloupe, Antigua e Barbuda Teh Action Cruise Kitesurfing Cruise
Amazing Kitesurfing from the Catamaran in Guadeoupe Antigua and Barbuda
Siječnja 2018, Pointe-à-Pitre, Gvadalupa sa Lagoon 42
Good catamaran, precise charterer pretty ocean
Gran bella crociera per le Grenadine
Barca completamente funzionante e buona assistenza del charterer.
Tutto ha funzionato per il meglio.
Ottimo rapporto qualitá prezzo