Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzija vlasnika plovila (1)
Lack of low standard of yacht
Many low facilities in this yacht: handy toilet pump, not friendly operating of sail's lines, no floating lines, refrigirator not comfortable, turtule not adjusred
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
The inventory of the yacht is given before the booking. It is not true that there isn’t floating lines, there is floating lines in the boat which is our standard. The sail lines and refrigerator are standard of Bavaria and in very good condition. Manuel toilet is written in the inventory of the yacht, so they should know about it before the charter starts. All navigation tools and equipment in the yacht exists in the boat including Auto Pilot. This boat is just 1 year old and in very good condition. The client has lost one fender and requested us to make favor and didn’t want to pay for it. So we made a favor and didn’t charge any money. Furthermore, after they left the yacht, we realized that they blew up the dinghy and hid it in the bow and didn’t tell to us.
Best regards.
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
Gdje se nalazi brod?
Unesi datum polaska
Unesi datum polaska da bi saznao cijenu
Raspoloživost je potvrđena
Raspoloživost i cijena ovog broda su ažurirani. Moguće je odmah potvrditi rezervaciju.
Raspoloživost je potvrđena
Raspoloživost i cijena ovog broda su ažurirani. Moguće je odmah potvrditi rezervaciju.
Dodatne usluge
(dnevno + hrana)
Extra pack
: includes cleaning, Transitlog, linen, towels, 2 bottles of gas and dinghy (po rezervaciji)
Noćenje na plovilu
(po rezervaciji)
Rani ukrcaj
: at 13:00 (po rezervaciji)
Stand up paddle (SUP)
Dodatni ručnici
(po kompletu)
Dodatna posteljina
(po kompletu)
Prikaži sve dodatne usluge
: + own cabin (dnevno + hrana)
WI-FI Internet veza na brodu
: Internet 200 GB (tjedno)
IRC Certificate
(po brodu)
Osiguraj svoj odmor
Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance
Poništenje rezervacije je pokriveno u slučaju nenadane bolesti, ozljede kapetana ili jednog od članova posade
više detalja.
Nije dostupno za sve zemlje prebivališta.
od 159.66€ ¹
¹ Cijena s PDV-om. Cijena s PDV-om izračunat će se prema zemlji prebivališta.
Recenzije o vlasniku plovila
Hospitality of the charter
Check-in/out procedure
Assistance in navigation
Lack of low standard of yacht
Many low facilities in this yacht: handy toilet pump, not friendly operating of sail's lines, no floating lines, refrigirator not comfortable, turtule not adjusred
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju
The inventory of the yacht is given before the booking. It is not true that there isn’t floating lines, there is floating lines in the boat which is our standard. The sail lines and refrigerator are standard of Bavaria and in very good condition. Manuel toilet is written in the inventory of the yacht, so they should know about it before the charter starts. All navigation tools and equipment in the yacht exists in the boat including Auto Pilot. This boat is just 1 year old and in very good condition. The client has lost one fender and requested us to make favor and didn’t want to pay for it. So we made a favor and didn’t charge any money. Furthermore, after they left the yacht, we realized that they blew up the dinghy and hid it in the bow and didn’t tell to us.
Best regards.
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.