Sorrento: 140 barke za najam
Odaberi datum polaska
za pregled cijena i raspoloživosti plovila u stvarnom vremenu.
4 kabine |
9 ležajevi |
godina 2023
od 2497€ tjedno
5 kabine |
10 ležajevi |
godina 2018
od 2849€ tjedno
4 kabine |
9 ležajevi |
godina 2023
od 2497€ tjedno
Najam brodova Sorrento
In the summer the sand sparkles between the colors of the sun; sea sails of windsurfing and shore, between the scents of seaweed mixed with the smell of suntan, sunbathers lying under the warm rays of the sun. In Sorrento, summer means waking up to the sounds of birds and the fragrance of flowers, choosing a beach and dive into the clear sea. In the villages of Marina Grande and Marina di Puolo, there are public beaches, as well as modern beach resorts, restaurants and taverns. At the beach of S. Francesco, located in the Villa Comunale, and ancient fishing nymphs frame the comfortable seaside resorts, where you can enjoy ariche, between a dive and a shower, a snack. A band of wild barren solar, extends between the head and Puolo, with comfortable facilities and nude hot rocks overlooking incoÌitaminate on 'seawater. The Cape of SorreIito in the bathroom Regip.a Giovanna, the sea fringes on the rocks topped dahlias ruins of a Roman villa. It's a place of strange beauty, made of merviglia and melancholy, when in the summer at waned, the gleam of the sea, the qielo is filled with muted colors.
Vremenska prognoza u Sorrento
Srpnja je najtopliji mjesec u Sorrento sa prosječnom temperaturom od 24°C (75°F) i najhladniji mjesec je Siječnja a 9°C (48°F). Mjesec u kojem je more najtoplije je Kolovoza kada je temperatura mora 27°C (47°F).
Marenauta je leader u najmu plovila!
Marenauta nudi preko 19000 provjerenih plovila.
Poslujemo od 2007 godine i stečenim iskustvom u 18 godina odabrali smo najbolja plovila od certificiranih tvrtki koje nude usluge koje zadovoljavaju naš visoki standard. Preko 100000 klijenata su ocijenili našu uslugu sa ocjenom 4.95/5, a nekolicina onih koji nisu u potpunosti bili zadovoljni su nas potaknuli da radimo još bolje. Ako i ti želiš uživati u odmoru na barci bez briga, ne preostaje ti nego pronaći plovilo i poslati nam upit. |
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