Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 439 - San Miguel de Abona
Posizione San Miguel de Abona, Spagna
Anno 2012
Cabine 4
Posti letto 8
Persone 8
Tipo di randa Semisteccata
Bagni 2
Lunghezza 13.34 m
Serbatoio acqua 330 l
Immersione 2.13 m
The brand new 2012 Sun Odyssey 439 reflects the latest design trend with dynamic lines and a powerful and straight forward design from Philippe Briand. She is a fast, seaworthy sailboat with simple to use deck and sail plans and a high-quality interior. All the sheets are lead back to the twin helm stations which remain uncluttered making sail handling within easy reach of the helmsperson. The interior has a beautiful wood finish and exceptional visibility and plenty light. She has 3 double cabin and one bunk cabin and 2 heads.
WC elettrico
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Dove si trova la barca?
Meteo in San Miguel de Abona
Meteo in San Miguel de Abona
- Gen
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- Mag
- Giu
- Lug
- Ago
- Set
- Ott
- Nov
- Dic
- 30°C
- 27°C
- 24°C
- 21°C
- 18°C
- 15°C
- 12°C
- 9°C
- 6°C
- 3°C
Altre barche che potrebbero piacerti
searchResult.nBoats: 40
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