The 8 year old Impression 40 was in very good conditions with new sails. Good performance with little wind.
Good service given by Dream Yacht and Marenauta.
Wir bekamen ein sehr schlecht gewartetes Boot, VERDRECKTE
Toilette, alle Ladeanschlüsse für Smartphones etc defekt,
Ankerwinsch hat nicht funktioniert, hätten um ein Haar den Anker aufgeben müssen.
Schäkel zw, Fochschot und Fock hatte sich gelöst, da nicht
richtig angezogen, kein Reserveschäkel an Board.
Bis wir alle sichtbaren Reparaturen erledigt hatten, sind fast
2 Tage vergangen.
Das Boot hatte nicht wie ausgewiesen einen 180 l Frisxchwassertank, sondern nur 100 l.
Daher mußten wir unsere Route leider ändern.
AC Marina nicht empfehlenswert.
Dr. W. Heer
Sve je bilo super od, check-in,broda, skipera,
Profesionalnoscu osoblja koji su nam vrlo brzo nasli skipera jer je nas prijatelj ( skiier) imao smrtan slucaj u obitelji sat vremena prije naseg isplivljavanja!
I ovim se putem zahvaljujem charter konpaniji !
We had a great catamaran, in very good shape and a wonderful crew, Panos, the skipper, and Katerina, the hostess.
Katerina had called earlier during the prior weekand asked me about what we wantd to eat and ordered everything we needed for her to cook us delicious breakfast and outstanding dishes for lunch. The boa was always kept clean.
Upon arrival we sat down with the skipper and decided between two routes he had prepared for us earlier. A
At the end we had a wondeful time aboar! Impossible better!