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Schöner Törn von Denia  
Die Marina und die Restaurants in der Marina in Denia sind sehr zu empfehlen. Denia war ein gutet Ausgangspunkt für unseren Törn nach Ibiza. Die Abwicklung mit dem Charterer war schnell und unkompliziert. Alles sehr zu empfehlen.
Ottobre 2015, Denia con un Sun Odyssey 439
Tolles Boot aber leider schlechtes Wetter ...  
... so hatten wir viel Regen und konnten nur 3 Tage bei Sonne genießen. Das Boot selber war in bestem Zustand und hat uns viel Freude bereitet. Ein Sturm mit Gewitter in der dritten Nacht war emotional das Highlight – Chaos in der Bucht – Bei rund 20 Booten hat sich der Anker gelöst – die Panik bei vielen Crews ergab den Rest. Viele Zusammenstöße und Bodenberührungen brachten Schäden an einigen Booten. Ein anderes Boot ist uns in Panik in die Backbordseite gekracht, sodass wir am nächsten Tag in der Marina eine Schadensmeldung machen mussten. Aber alles super organisiert bei Marenauta – Hilfe gab es schnell und unbürokratisch.
Agosto 2015, Rogoznica con un Bavaria 34 Cruiser
Mali Losinj is my Paradise!!!  
We are a family of 6 and we love coming to Mali Losinj! My mother was born here and we travel to Croatia every year to relax and visit family and friends! Our vacation would not be a vacation if we did not come to Losinj to stay for at least a couple of weeks. This is where we truly relax, and enjoy the beautiful beaches, clean water and more relaxed slow pace. My favorite part of Losinj is all of the beautiful walking paths around. I love to walk and I enjoy this every morning while I am vacationing in Mali Losinj. The hotels are beautiful and clean, the people are friendly and the food is amazing!!! We usually stay at the Aurora Hotel and feel like it is home away from home. There is so much to do in Losinj if you wish or just do nothing and relax by the Adriatic sea! We rented a small boat from Marenauta and we were very pleased with the service we received. The staff was quick to respond to emails and they were very accommodating regarding payment of the boat, for example I was unable to pay by the due date and they held onto the boat longer for me to give me extra time to transfer the funds. We were also pleased that every day after boating there was someone there waiting at the marina to help us tie up our boat and they cleaned to clean it every night!! This was beyond our expectations! We were also given a water tube for the kids to use, free of charge. We have dealt with many other charter services in Croatia but I must say The Marenauta service was excellent and we highly recommend them!
Luglio 2015, Mali Losinj con un Beneteau Fly 500 open
Beneteau 473  
Great boat, small repairs needed but the ground crew fixed them really fast!!
Maggio 2015, Zadar con un Oceanis 473
Vacanza a Biograd  
La mia vacanza a Biograd è andata molto bene, i ragazzi si sono trovati a proprio agio, porti a me nuovi, ma molto ben organizzati. I prezzi sono un po’ aumentati rispetto a qualche anno fa ma i servizi non mancano mai. Non ho ancora deciso né il periodo delle mie vacanze né la destinazione, ma quello che è certo è che andrò in barca a vela e andrò con Marenauta…
Giugno 2015, Biograd con un Bavaria 38
Vacanza a Trogir  
La Vacanza a Trogir è andata molto bene, ho visitato nuovi porti ed in particolare l’isola di Vis è molto piaciuta a me ed al mio equipaggio… Il sig. Denis, responsabile dell’armatore sul posto, invece non è stato assolutamente di mio gradimento. All’appuntamento dapprima non è arrivato e con molto ritardo mi ha mandato un’altra persona (per fortuna gentile e disponibile) che però mi ha permesso di salpare solo nel pomeriggio. Latitante nel bisogno (chiamato 2/3 volte al telefono non ha mai né risposto, né richiamato), arrogante, maleducato, indisponibile indisponente e particolarmente irriverente nei confronti degli italiani. Sono rientrato un pochino in ritardo, quello è vero, ma l’ho fatto nel bel mezzo di un nubifragio violentissimo; il mio posto era occupato da un’altra barca (che poi ho saputo essere stata autorizzata dallo stesso Denis). Se non fosse stato per tre ragazzi diportisti sul molo, che in suo luogo si sono beccati l’acquazzone, e mi hanno aiutato ad ormeggiare la barca, avrebbe potuto succedere un disastro. Ma lui non c’era. Il giorno successivo nel check-out si è prima fatto tutti gli affari suoi, facendomi aspettare quasi al limite di perdere l’aereo. Quindi bocciato l’armatore ma soprattutto il suo staff, nella persona del responsabile il sig. Denis… Mi auguro che Marenauta non mi proponga MAI PIU’ gente del genere… Per il resto tutto Ok!!!
Agosto 2015, Trogir con un Bavaria 46
La Società di Charter ha risposto a questa recensione 29.03.2016

We're really sorry because of unfortunate events, but we were doing our best.

On Saturday when the guests arrived to start their vacation on our boat, they came really early and they were expecting to embark as soon as possible.
We did our best to enable them to take over the boat at 3 PM despite of our regular check in time at 5PM.

They had to be back in marina ACI Trogir before 7 o'clock in the evening on Friday and they were familiar with that since I have told them that before they sail out.
We tried to contact them several times on Friday evening because of storm, but nobody answered.
Lastly we waited for them until 10 PM on Friday. They finally came to marina ACI Trogir, but we had problem because one of the boats came on Friday before them (they supposed to come on Saturday morning) and stood on their ''parking place''.
Mr. Rejni and Mr. Josip; our employees waited for teh client and his crew and put their yacht on some place to save them from the storm.

Then the client came to my office asking me to ask the guys to do the check-out even though was stormy, rainy and dark and they couldn't check absolutely nothing.
I tried to make a deal with them to do the check-out early on Saturday morning and they hardly agreed.

So on Saturday we started to work at 7 AM, although our working time starts at 8 AM, but as I said we were doing our best to make guests happy.

After the check-out all 9 crew members came to my office. The client asked me to order him a taxi to the airport, because he will miss the flight, and I did that in very short time.

Then the problems started.
Some of the crew members wanted to stay in Trogir for few days and they asked me to find them some Hostel, which I did find pretty hardly; because they wanted the hostel near the ACI marina; and some of the crew members asked me to order a rent-a-car for them, which I also ordered.
So the client went to the airport, and in my office came the guy who was searching for the guests to take them to his Hostel. I tried to contact them several times, I also by myself went to find them all around the marina but I couldn't find them. In the meantime a woman came with the rent-a-car (she waited 2 hours for them) also searching for the guests who order a rent-a-car. The weather was awful, there was a big traffic jam, I had a busy Saturday, as usually, but I was doing my best trying to contact the client (because I only had his contact phone) several times, again searching for the guests all around marina on the rain, when I finally got phone call from teh cleint when he told me that there happened some missunderstanding and that they don't want a reservation in Hostel and that they don't want a rent-a-car and that I can cancel everything.
Can you only imagine how embarrassed I felt in that moment when he told me that, because the guy from the Hostel and the girl with the rent-a-car waited for nobody for 2 hours??
At least I begged the guy from the Hostel and the girl with the rent-a-car that they forgive me for lost time because of missunderstanding between the crew members, so we hardly made a deal and luckily they cancelled everything.

One more thing to say: We were doing our best to make them happy, we weren't rude even that they caused us a lot of problems, but luckily we solved any of them. We tried to contact them several times on Friday evening, but we didn't receive feedback.

Once again, I'm really sorry about what happened, but it's not our fault.
Questa risposta rappresente l'opinione personale del rappresentante della società di charter e non di Marenauta.
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